Japan Science and Technology Agency’s student exchange program, known as “Sakura Exchange Program in Science”, has expanded to include Pakistan in its list of eligible countries.
The program is held annually and now, Pakistani students too can take part in it.
Sakura Exchange Program in Science
The Japan-Asia Youth Exchange Program in Science is basically a student exchange program. The program allows school/university students from other countries, who specialize or wish to specialize in science and technology fields, to visit Japan and experience its culture.
The purpose of this program is to allow the students living in countries which do not have access to state of the art labs and technology to experience it first hand in Japan. The program outline mentions:
Promoting science and technology is a key engine to materialize a bright future of Asia and it is vitally important to enhance the exchange of youths in Asian countries and Japan who will play a crucial role in the field of science and technology.
Pakistan was only recently added to the list of countries eligible for the exchange program.
This could be a good opportunity for those who want to learn more about their respective field of choice. Seeing world leading tech institutions and companies (Sony, Canon, Fujitsu etc.) at work firsthand is an opportunity that many people can now avail.
Eligibility Criteria and More Details
Eligibility criteria for the students is as follows:
The student should be in a high school, university or graduate school student,
Postdoctoral researchers and teachers can also participate, provided they are under 40 years old,
They must have never stayed in/visited Japan before.
Educational institutions interested in the exchange program can apply between October and November 2016.
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